Thursday, January 3, 2013

Childhood Fear

It is common for kids to have imaginary friends and childhood fears. It is also common for kids to have imaginary worries in the form of the boogey man. These worries vary in different periods and age brackets. These worries are fears that children develop. All children have this fear.

Normally, at the age of three, children have developed their imagination, and this is the kind wherein they imagine themselves in situations that are not real. Although fear is a normal part of human development, fear is existent if a person, especially a child, does not understand that source of a problem. Much less, understand the possible outcome. Kids' fears are normally blown out of proportion and in unbelievable measures. This simply makes a parent laugh at a kid's fear, which is incorrect.

Being naturally inquisitive and curious, children often try to understand things, even if they have been warned not to. Childhood fears often disappear as they grow older. Soon, kids will realize what is real and what is not real.

Coping with Fears
Parents should not think that it is their responsibility to remove all fears. The truth is, parents should teach children how to cope with fears and overcome them. Parents should teach their children to cope with fear and conquer them, not make them believe that they have taken away their fears.

1) Don't Lecture - Listen
It should be noted here that many parents make a mistake in addressing their child's fears. Parents oftentimes do not listen. They just scold and yell. What should be done is that parents should understand the source of the fear. A child will only feel confident to an adult if the child feels that the adult understood his concern or fear. Also, fears should not be laughed at. Teasing children will just add insult to injury. Worse, the child will not trust the adult anymore.

Childhood fears have the potential to become a phobia if not addressed. It is always best to consult a child psychiatrist for diagnosis as early as possible. There are several processes and therapies available to address a child's fear of things. One of these is desensitization. This is a process by which kids are coaxed into imagining their fears and slowly conquering these fears in the imagination. Some medications are also available but these are only for severe conditions. Medication is not really advised if the fear or phobia can still be addressed through therapy.

Another thing that a parent can do is to reassure the child that nothing can go wrong. Being sympathetic will also help a lot. Parents should get their kids' confidence in them so the children will confide. Without mutual trust, kids are not likely to express their fears to their parents.

2) Explore The Unknown
It was mentioned earlier that the source of fear is lack of understanding. The only way to combat this is education. Education brings forth information and will then dissolve irrational fears. One does not have to be formally educated about other things that cause fear. These are things that even parents can explain carefully.

3) Battle Your Own Fears
Children are highly influenced at home by parents. If parents show fear, it is more likely that the kids will also show fear. As a parent, you should overcome your fears first so the child will not observe these fears from you.

4) Do Not Induce Fear Through the Bogeyman
Parents often use monsters as a scheme to make children behave. This is not right because kids are already afraid of their own imagined creatures. It is also strongly advised that kids do not watch monster movies. Children do not understand that these movies are just for entertainment purposes. To them, these monsters are real.

5) Do Not be Overprotective
The downside of being careful is being overprotective. Let your child experiment and imagine because this is a healthy process. If you let your kids be under your shelter all the time, there is a great possibility that the child will grow up clingy and very dependent. Being overprotective gives the child an idea that the world is a very dangerous place and that there is no safety other than by your side.
Childhood fears are common as a human being develops. As the child grows up, these fears disappear.

6) Encourage Games
Children should enjoy playing to avoid developing wild imagination. Being alone induces fear and imagining. If children are engaged in games, they can banish unhealthy imagination.

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